A Leadership Learning Circle on Early Intervention around Conflict in the Workplace

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The next of our ‘Leadership Learning Circle’ discussions for managers will focus on ‘Early Intervention around Conflict within the Workplace.’

The next session (virtual) will be held on Wednesday 1st February at 10:30am until 12:30pm. This two-hour learning session is for leaders to learn together to gain confidence for early intervention when conflict arises in the workplace and to understand the suite of support and tools available.

Conflict in the Workplace has a significant impact on performance, efficient running of our services and the Trust culture.

The informal early intervention approach fosters good working relations and visible engagement between managers and staff members that ultimately make a difference for everyone in the workplace. Yet there are times when many things get in the way of us stepping in.

This is an opportunity for you to reflect on what triggers conflict in the workplace, the impact this has to you and others and with these learnings enable you to take a lead role in having early intervention management conversations where concerns or conflict arise before disagreement escalates.

This will further develop a culture and environment at EEAST where we build our capability and work to our full potential, where we help employees move forward, feel supported, treat each other with civility and understanding and motivated to work as a team.


How does Learning Circles work?

‘Learning Circles,’ was launched at the beginning of June 2022. It is a series of informal discussion groups being carried out remotely over MS Teams, giving managers the opportunity to talk about a variety of topics. The sessions are aimed at providing managers at all levels of experience with some practical ways to tackle issues they may face as a leader.

They are a ‘safe zone’ for open conversation where managers can share experiences and gather different perspectives from colleagues on how to approach similar situations in future.

Who can attend?

Any leader with line manager responsibility is welcome. Half of the available slots will be reserved for operational and AOC managers; the other half will be for corporate and support service managers. Each session will be for ten people. Specialists from the senior leadership, HR and staff side will be on hand to assist with facilitating the discussions.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up to the course via the following link Conflict Resolution: Conflict Resolution (eastamb.nhs.uk)

Published 30th January 2023