A Lent message from Multi-Faith Network

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The Trust Multi-Faith Network are delighted to send this message.  

For many across the Christian Faith, our thoughts are towards trial, temptation and of course the incoming resurrection of Jesus. Most of you will know Lent as a time to “give up something” (normally chocolate!)  The reasons for such a decision comes down to understanding what Lent truly is. 

Lent is when we remember that Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days, giving up food or water and simply “Living in faith”.  Regardless of what we’ve endured, for those in faith it’s a time to reflect and derive strength from God. 

Common customs during Lent include prayer, fasting and giving.  

Prayer: The idea being to give away what we have and to focus ourselves on living free from our own clutter and giving back to God with thoughtful mediation and consideration. 

Fasting: This can range from “giving something up” to literally not eating for some extended period of time, to consider what we have and what it’s like for those who aren’t as fortunate. It is a reminder that we cannot live simply on the items of this world. 

Giving:  The consideration of “almsgiving” the most classic and One of the best-known Bible references is to “love thy neighbour” - the idea being to help one another spiritually, physically (maybe with food or shelter), financially or just helping someone else with something that is important to them. 

Christian colleagues and patients may be using this time to centre themselves truly on Christ.  Supporting them as they perhaps fast or give something up is a great way to both connect, understand, and appreciate one-another more.  

Multi-Faith Network is a staff network within EEAST for any member of staff with faith or with an interest to learn more. We are an equality and diversity group, who aim to celebrate faith, support staff to express their faith at work, and educate and steer the Trust on faith related issues. 

If you would like to find out more about the Multi-Faith Network, or you want to join us next time we meet on March 7th at 10:00-12:00, please email us at multifaith@eastamb.nhs.uk

Published 22nd February 2023