August Safety Matters Newsletter

Safety Matters graphic

The August issue of Safety Matters newsletter by the Patient Safety Team is now available.

This is the monthly newsletter to highlight clinical and safety updates to you.

Safety Matters Newsletter - August 2023 

 This month’s content is as follows:

  1. Message from the Safety Team
  2. AACE Safe in the Back Campaign
  3. In your 'Best Interest'
  4. Ambulances Approaching Aircraft
  5. Eye protection - why, when, how and what?
  6. Patient Transport Service (PTS) - Managing sick patients (PSOP013)
  7. Reducing the harm caused by violence and aggression
  8. Maternity - Good Practice Story
  9. EEAST General Broadcast Podcast - Moral Injury

For all previous editions please visit: Patient Safety Communications

EEAST Patient Safety Team

Published 1st September 2023