C3T Rollout


EEAST has invested in 507 new Corpuls 3T (C3T) devices to replace the older Corpuls 3 (C3) currently used on our frontline vehicles. This is a significant financial investment into both owned and leased units.

Medical Devices will begin to undertake a replacement program beginning in May 2023 lasting six months which will involve replacing the older C3 devices.

To allow this replacement process to begin, there is a requirement for all responders to provide the following information to Clinical Engineering to enable planning for a replacement to be provided.

  • The asset numbers of the 3 modules of the Corpuls. These can be found on each module on a Clinical engineering sticker which has a blue and white background.
  • Your availability to swap your Corpuls during May 2023

Please communicate the above information with an email entitled CORPULS EXCHANGE and send to Darren Jones ,Medical Devices Transformation Manager, at Darren.jones@eastamb.nhs.uk no later than 18th April 2023.

Published 5th April 2023