Changes in reporting sickness absenses on GRS

GRS Timesheets

We are changing the way we report sickness absence on GRS when this is related to either the menopause, or incidents of violence and aggression.

Please continue to report any sickness absence using your current reporting processes, however, please also provide additional information (secondary reasons)  if the below is applicable to your absence:

  • Due to a violent, abusive, or aggressive incident whilst on duty, which may have resulted in either physical or psychological harm; or the absence is a cumulative set of occurrences or issues at work which are the trigger for your absence.
  • Due to experiencing menopausal symptoms, where you feel comfortable to discuss this.  

Your reason for absence will be entered on GRS as usual, but we will now also be able to record the underlying cause as a secondary reason.   

This additional feature on GRS will help your line manager, and added learning for the Trust, to identify and provide further support to you and other colleagues, where absences may be linked, as well as helping the Trust to report on these key areas.

Published 1st March 2023