Clocks go back this Sunday

Alarm clock

This Sunday morning (30th October), the clocks will go back by one hour at 2.00am, as we move from British Summer Time (BST) back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 

As per Trust local terms and conditions, the approach to the seasonal clock change will be as per previous years, in that the seasonal clock change that results in an additional hour’s work will lead to the payment of one additional hour, at the appropriate rate, for those staff affected.

For staff that finish at 2.00am or 3.00am, when the seasonal clock change occurs, they will work their contracted number of hours.

 The application of this local term and condition will only apply to the applicable Agenda for Change contract holders, in this case, staff who work rostered shifts and who are working at the time of the seasonal clock change.

This principle will also apply to staff that opted to remain on their Trust contracts when Agenda for Change was implemented in 2003/4/5.

Published 27th October 2022