Cohorting Trial - Update

Concept ambulance NTK

As of Monday 20th March 2023 at 09:00 the Trust will be rolling out the Cohorting Call Sign Trial to all hospitals within East of England. The trial thus far has been successfully ran in both SNEE & Norfolk & Waveney.

The process can be found below for both EOC & A&E Operational Colleagues below. To confirm, this process must only be used for patients entering EEAST Led Cohort.

To ensure consistency of the process the Handover PIN from the allocated Cohort Callsign must be passed to the cohort team as they must ‘pin’ the patient off to allow for correct data capture, and the cohort call sign must not be cleared without a handover time.

Moving forward, and to ensure data is captured correctly, EOC must not be asked to pin patients over, this must be done from the handover screen by the Hospital or HALO.

Thank you for your continued support, and please email any queries to

Published 17th March 2023