CQC Key lines of enquiry: Well-led

CQC KLOE Well led

By Well-Led, we mean that there is a strong and effective leadership, a supportive and values-driven culture, and stable management. It means being open and collaborative whilst encouraging teams to work together to solve problems. Good leadership, at all levels of the organisation, shapes its culture into one where people who use services and the quality of their care come first.

Key Lines of enquiry

  1. Do we have an inspiring vision? (developing a compelling vision and narrative)
  2. Do we ensure clear accountabilities and effective processes to measure performance and address concerns? (Governance)
  3. Do we develop open and transparent cultures focused on improving quality? (Leadership, culture and values)
  4. Do we focus on engaging all staff and valuing patients’ views and experience? (Staff and patient engagement)
  5. Do we focus on continuous learning, innovation and improvement? (Learning and innovation)

These key lines of enquiry cover several areas including but not limited to:

  • clarity of vision, objectives and direction
  • quality of management, leadership and supervision
  • devolution of responsibility
  • teamworking and inter-teamworking, focusing on clarity of objectives, roles, communication, team-learning and cross-boundary working
  • support, positivity and compassion – between staff and patients but also between managers, leaders and staff
  • pressure of work, performance monitoring, efficiency, and effort
  • learning, innovation, outward focus, emphasis on quality and on quality improvement
  • flexibility, traditionalism, bureaucracy, and formalisation.

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