Dyslexia Awareness Week - Introducing Justin Honey-Jones



Introduction by Justin Honey-Jones, Specialist Lecturer Practitioner (Well-being and Inclusion) and Paramedic.

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself and say hello. My role is new in the Trust, and I thank Chris McGregor when he was Head of Education and Learner Experience for championing its creation as we are the only Trust to have this role.

If you aspire or are undertaking apprenticeships and qualifications through our Training and Education Department, I am here to support you. I can help with:

  • Specific Learning Difficulties e.g., dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD and autism (diagnosed or suspected)
  • Screening service for potential Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Study skills
  • Assistive technology
  • Well-being
  • Reasonable adjustments for assessments
  • Access to Work funding

If I can help, please send me an email and I’ll get in touch justin.honey-jones@eastamb.nhs.uk

My support is:

  • Confidential
  • Specific to your needs
  • Non-judgemental

A little about me

I was diagnosed with several Specific Learning Difficulties including dyslexia at the age of 34. This was at the very end of my paramedic degree. I share this because I am able to offer you three different perspectives:

  • I have lived experience
  • I specialise in education and Specific Learning Difficulties and can support you with solutions to overcome any potential barrier to your education.
  • I have progressed through different clinical qualifications and roles and can use this experience to empathise with possible challenges and provide solutions

My career over the last twenty years started with the British Army as a Combat Medical Technician and I later joined the London Ambulance Service in 2014 as an apprentice Emergency Medical Technician and qualified as a Paramedic before later joining EEAST in 2020. I have completed two apprenticeships and a top up degree in paramedic practice.

Prior to joining the ambulance service, I trained as a teacher and have spent my career combining education and clinical. I also lecture at Anglia Ruskin University on their paramedic science (BSc) and medical and healthcare education (Pg Cert and MSc) programmes.

Published 7th October 2023