Estates pin code deactivation

Hellesdon ambulance station

Please be aware that from 1st September 2022, all pin codes for the Protégé access control system will be deactivated. 

This is essential to maintain the safety of our sites, as we have been made aware of codes being shared and/or used in place of having an ID card.  No new pin codes will be issued after this date.

To ensure that you are able to access your place of work, please check you have an activated ID card which is compatible with the Protégé system.  The new cards have “Hello my name is…” printed on the front.  If you do not have a card, kindly follow the instructions on the intranet to request one.

How to get your Trust ID card & access request

Thank you for your cooperation, and please continue to be diligent and challenge anyone on Trust premises without a visible ID card; both staff and contractors.

Published 15th August 2022

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