Global shortage of Arrow EZ-IO 15mm Pink Needles

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Due to a global shortage of a key resin material, there is a reduction in EZ-IO needle production.

Teleflex has decided to prioritise it’s manufacturing on the 25mm and 45mm sizes which will impact the availability of the size 15mm. As the pink and blue needles are licensed for use with patients’ weights from 3kg (3kg - 39kg for pink 15mm needle) the blue 25mm needle can be used in place of the pink. Supply is expected to be replenished by the end of January 2022. Apologies for any inconvenience, this was an unforeseen circumstance beyond our control. Please follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Clinical judgment should be used to determine appropriate needle set selection based on patient weight, anatomy, and tissue depth (skin, adipose and muscle thickness) overlying the insertion site. Clinicians should stop by releasing the trigger when they feel the loss of resistance as the needle set enters the medullary space.  

The telescopic hub in the centre of the stabilizer dressing should accommodate the needle protruding a little more than usual and care should be taken to protect the site when moving the patient.

Any questions? Please contact your Clinical Lead.

Friday 17 December 2021