Introducing the Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service on DATIX


To ensure the safety of our patients, it is important all staff must be aware of the launch of the LFPSE service and how it will affect the way we submit an incident.

Introducing the new national system for patient safety learning and improvement...

The LFPSE service is replacing the current National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) and Strategic Executive Information System (StEIS), creating a single national system for recording, and learning from patient safety events. 

This service is currently being introduced to vastly improve the quality of data collected from across the NHS and how it is reviewed and analysed. This will support both national and local improvement work, particularly around the identification of new and under-recognised risks, so action can be taken to keep patients safe.

When fully rolled, the LFPSE service will receive records of patient safety events from staff across all parts of the NHS, providing a national collection of patient safety data. Our organisation is contributing to this, and we are currently in the process of upgrading our own local risk management system DATIX, so records of patient safety events submitted by our own staff will also be automatically uploaded to the national LFPSE service. 

We expect to be connected to the LFPSE service on the 29th September 2023. At this point some changes will be made to the questions asked when you submit details of a patient safety event. This will help ensure we are collecting information that best supports patient safety improvement, both locally and at a national level. Better data means better learning. 

As well as submitting information about patient safety incidents, you’ll also be able to share examples of good practice and where something has gone right to make care safer. Sharing these examples helps the spread of innovation and good practice, which also supports the NHS to improve. 

From 29th of September 2023, staffs will start see the changes to the information they are asked for when reporting an incident, to provide better quality data to support improvement across the NHS.

Watch this video to find out more about LFPSE, how it is supporting the NHS to improve patient safety and the difference it will make to how you record patient safety events.

You can find out more about the LFPSE service by visiting the NHS England website

We will post regular updates in the coming weeks as the project progress. Please contact if you have any questions.

Clinical Quality Systems Team

Published 6th September 2023