Meeting Basic Needs event - Uniform

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The next Meeting Basic Needs event takes place Wednesday, 11th October 2023.

We invite you to bring any unresolved frustrations relating to the uniform to us, and we shall seek to find a resolution for you on the day. If the issue is more complex, we may not be able to resolve it on the day, but we commit to providing a proposed resolution date to you in such cases. We will then work with you in that time to help solve the issue.

You can bring your unresolved issue to us in two ways; either in person or virtually, via Microsoft Teams.

If you would like to meet with us in person, we shall be at Hellesdon Ambulance Station and the room shall be well signed for you to find us.

If you would prefer to join us virtually, please follow this link to Teams meeting from 10am on 11 October 2023, and we shall arrange for our subject expert to call you back.

We look forward to seeing you there and hope to be able to help you! If you are unable to attend the above mentioned sessions, you can send your concerns and questions to

For more information and a full list of session, see here.


Quality Improvement and Professional Standards Team

Published 5th October 2023