National Inclusion Week


It’s National Inclusion Week, and the perfect time for us all to reflect on how we can do our bit to make sure all our colleagues feel valued and appreciated in the workplace.  

We want to be a Trust that celebrates, and learns from, each other’s differences which is why our EEAST Inclusivity Plan is going to play such an important part in how we develop over the next three years. 

The plan lays out the importance of making all of our people feel safe, comfortable and supported. It has four clear aims which cover making EEAST a safe place for all, developing community partnerships, developing a recruitment campaign, and developing clear pathways for all our people. It includes all our EDI networks and will be reviewed on a three-yearly basis to ensure that we are charting progress.

For those of you who would like to find out more about the plan then you can listen to one of our Fit for the Future podcasts that was recorded earlier this year by Caroline Nwadu, Head of Culture and Inclusivity and Navrita Atwal, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager as they discuss the plan in more detail.     

Published 27th September 2023