New mandatory training for line managers


As you may be aware, there are currently 18 Managers Passport Training (MPT) modules in total across the Trust. They cut across a range of aspects and themes into “managing people” and “keeping people safe”.

In order to achieve the required management compliance, the Regulatory Oversight Group (ROG) and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) have agreed for 5 MPT modules to be made a mandatory requirement for manager development. These 5 modules are available as virtual, recorded versions, on the Trust’s Learning management system, EVOLVE. These sessions can now be accessed directly from individual manager’s Evolve Dashboard or found under the Mandated Managers Training section by clicking the links to each session below.

When should I have these completed by?
The mandatory sessions are one off sessions, pending legal updates and must be completed by the end of July.

Live sessions
Where there are live virtual sessions dates available, it will still be possible to book on to these if you would prefer to attend in person rather that completing the recorded sessions.

Developing Managers
Those staff that are currently developing towards manager roles, but do not currently line manage staff will also be able to access the recorded sessions and are invited to complete these sessions as part of their development or CPD. This will not show on their dashboard but can be accessed through the below links.

The 5 Mandated Managers Training modules are as follows and be accessed by clicking on the links below:

  1. Dignity at Work Policy Training
  2. Disability Awareness (EDI)
  3. Disciplinary Policy Training
  4. Grievance Policy Training
  5. Safeguarding – Allegations Against Staff (Level 3)

If you have any EVOLVE queries regarding this training, please contact L&

For any content enquires please contact the SME for the Course
Dignity at Work Policy Training - David Brierley
Disability Awareness (EDI) - Dawn Whelan
Disciplinary Policy Training - Adam Rose
Grievance Policy Training -  Sylvester Mathias
Safeguarding – Allegations Against Staff  - Ben Wayland

Published 14th June 2022