New role to support Apprentice Paramedics

RRV with blurred paramedic

As you may be aware, Cumbria University is the education provider for the Paramedic Apprenticeship degree.

In response to feedback from learners and operational staff, Cumbria University and the EEAST Training & Education team have developed a new role which will better support both apprentice paramedics and those involved in their development.

In this new role, each Clinical Lecturer from Cumbria University will dedicate one day a month to supporting learners and operational staff in practice. This will be achieved through clinical ride outs, station visits, skills workshops, PEd workshops, PAD support sessions and online drop-in sessions.

Additionally, Clinical Lecturers will liaise with operational management, MST and LOM teams to ensure a cohesive, informed approach to the development of learners, both academically and clinically.

This is a fantastic opportunity for all staff to gain a better insight into the Paramedic Apprenticeship degree.

A member of the Cumbria team will be in contact shortly with proposed dates and locations of upcoming outreach events; however, should you wish to arrange a visit, please get in touch with one of the assigned lecturers below, or email for more information.

Published 11th June 2022