NMA trial goes live in Stevenage

nma MDT screen

Following on from the recent announcement of the project to rollout the National Mobilisation application (NMA), which will replace our legacy Mobile Data terminals to improve road safety by minimising driver distractions through the use of text-to-speech and speech recognition. We are pleased to announce that on Monday 11th September the NMA trial started at the Stevenage Hub and will continue for a period of six weeks.

Five vehicles were upgraded with the new hardware and software.

Crews rostered on these vehicles will have the opportunity to provide feedback via a QR code available in the vehicles to complete a quick MS form.

This trial is in preparation for the proposed phased rollout which is scheduled to start in mid November 2023.

The NMA training package is now available for all front-line staff to complete. Training has to be completed before being able to use the new terminals in the upgraded vehicles. The e-learning training is available on the new OLM training platform which can be accessed by logging on to your ESR account. Read for more information on NMA training.

Please email NMA@eastamb.nhs.uk with any questions.

Published 21st September 2023