OPS INSTRUCTION Use of ePCR across the region

Ops Instruction

The Trust deployed new iPads with the iOS version of Siren Nova electronic patient care records (ePCR) software during the spring/summer of 2021 to help deliver our EEAST Digital Transformation Strategy. The new hardware and software are to: 

  • Provide clinicians with a comprehensive range of clinical materials and databases to support their decision-making processes to deliver the most appropriate care pathway to the
  • Improve legibility of patient records to help reduce potential recording and handover errors and improve patient
  • Reduce the risk of losing patient records, improving our ability to analyse clinical activity and improve patient care standards; ensure we work to meet regulatory requirementsin accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • Improve capture of clinical activity to support clinical audit, research and quality improvement, and to inform future continued professional development (CPD), which will enhance training and development standards.
  • Through SIREN web-viewer, enable staff to view individual records, they have created securely online via a web portal, to support and provide viewable evidence for personal development while at the same time ensuring compliance with regulation and policy by not printing or photocopying records with patient identifiable data for use in paper-based or electronic
  • Demonstrate the Trust’s ability to utilise the recent investment in the new hardware and electronic system and realise tangible benefits from it.

The OPS Instruction can be read in full here.

Published 10th June 2022