Our Staff Support Networks

Staff support network logos

At EEAST we are lucky to have a group of Staff Networks who champion inclusion and whose members provide support to each other in helping colleagues to reach their full potential. 

All Women in EEAST (AWE)

The AWE Network is open to all Women and those who identify as women, working within EEAST. AWE aims to encourage, enable and facilitate change within EEAST and promote inclusion. AWE believes that by tackling gender inequality and discrimination the Trust can be a better place to work and provide better patient care and experience to the communities we serve.

If you would like to find out more or are interested in joining AWE, please email AWE@eastamb.nhs.uk,  You can also join the AWE Facebook page and follow the network on Twitter.

Black and Minority Ethnicity Network (BME)

The BME Network includes colleagues from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds from across EEAST. The group aims to work with the Trust to utilise the skills and resources of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues in order to add value to the organisation and make EEAST a great place to work.

If you are interested in joining the network or have any queries, please contact BME.Network@eastamb.nhs.uk

Disability Support Network (DSN)

The Disability Support Network is open to all, to those have a disability or to those who are interested in supporting this area and finding out more. The network aims to act as a supportive group, not only for our staff with disabilities whether visible or invisible, but for anyone who supports someone with a disability, be it a colleague, family member or friend. They also welcome anyone who is interested in just finding out more about visible or invisible disabilities.

If you would like more information about the meeting or further information about the network or how to get involved, please contact: DisabilitySupportNetwork@eastamb.nhs.uk

LGBT+ Network

The Trust is committed to supporting employees who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual plus (LGBT+). The LGBT+ Network meets meet regularly to focus on how the Trust can improve its focus and support LGBT+ colleagues whatever their role within the organisation.

If you would like to get involved in the network, you can find EEAST LGBT+ Network on Facebook and further information is available at  https://www.ambulancelgbt.org 

Multi-Faith Network (MFN)

The Multi-faith network is open to colleagues from around the organisation, of any faith. The group works together to support colleagues of all beliefs, and aims to raise awareness of different faiths throughout the Trust. Some faiths also have their own staff groups, which link in with the Multi-faith network.

To get in touch with the Multi-Faith Network, or find out more about a specific faith group, please email multifaith@eastamb.nhs.uk.

Published 7th June 2022