Paramedic Progression to Band 6

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As part of the National Agreement, which was entered by all parties through joint consultation on 8 December 2016 and applied by all Trusts, a new position of Newly Qualified Paramedic (NQP) was introduced.

This role was to remain on band 5 during a consolidation of learning period (CLP) until the employee is able to demonstrate the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies to move to band 6. The CLP will ordinarily be for 24 months. The NQP role applies to any paramedic who was HCPC registered and started in a paramedic position on or after 1 September 2016.

Once the consolidated learning period, including all elements, is successfully completed, paramedics will move to a band 6 role automatically unless there are matters being dealt with under formal capability procedures.  This process is ordinarily 24 months, there is an agreed fast-tracked application at month 12.

There have been a number of challenges made by staff around the delays in this process where it has been asserted that these delays have led to financial detriment.

In order to ensure a transparent and consistent approach going forward, in joint partnership with UNISON the Trust recently reviewed all previous concerns and submitted a summary to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Therefore, in line with the Trusts Collective Grievance Policy section 2.3 the collective grievance will not apply as other actions in partnership with UNISON have been led to the matter being resolved.

Following discussions with Unison, the Trust have agreed a range of actions in order to address and close the concerns for all staff whether they’ve raised a concern or not to:

  • Trust wide communication of the ELT decision
  • Individual letters to staff that commenced on a Student Paramedic contract
  • Individual letters to staff that were pre-existing employees and internally undertook a paramedic pathway, remaining on their existing terms and conditions


For staff that commenced on a Student Paramedic contract

The Trust recognises that there have been delays in staff obtaining HCPC registration.  In recognition of the elongated time for development upon completion of the NQP Consolidation of Learning Period (CLP) either at 12 or 24 months, individuals will accelerate through pay band 6 to reflect any individual periods of delay. This will be reviewed on an individual basis, taking into account factors including but not limited to start date, deferrals and any recognition of delays already made by the Trust.


Pre-existing qualified EMTs

For those that were not employed initially employed as Student Ambulance Paramedic that undertook a paramedic pathway, will need to demonstrate that without the delay, they would have registered with the HCPC prior to the implementation of NQP on 1 September 2016 or within the transition period 31 March 2017 if applicable.  Staff will need to provide evidence to support the following criteria:

  • Qualified EMT – detailed employment history; how (qualification) and date qualified as an EMT
  • Provide evidence through emails or Appraisals that individuals actively sought for further development to join a Paramedic pathway
  • Awareness of course and any evidence that applications had been submitted
  • Any periods of absence (maternity leave, or long-term sickness will be taken into consideration) and dates for these periods of absence must be provided


What won’t be considered:

  • Periods of absence relating to Career breaks
  • Any individuals that had joined a previous course and failed
  • Individual choice not to take a pathway opportunity that was available

In order to ensure a fair and consistent approach is taken evidence submitted will be viewed by a panel which will consist of management and staff side representatives. Further detail and how to submit evidence will be detailed in the individual letters which will be sent out in due course.

Published 20th June 2022