Saving lives through education

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The StayWise education platform is now available!

StayWise is a free learning platform with resources currently aimed at children aged 3 – 11 with later key stages to follow soon.

It brings together the educational resources of emergency services and safety charities into one place, making it easy for you to access free resources on a range of safety topics.

StayWise will have everything you need to plan educational sessions and will ensure that no matter who is delivering the session, we will always be giving out the same message.

The resources have been centrally collated through representatives from a number of services and are linked into the national curriculum.

Community Response Manager Tom Barker says ‘Here at EEAST we are really excited to launch the StayWise platform with our staff, volunteers and community partners. The platform will allow trust staff and teachers from across our region to access dedicated educational resources promoting key safety messages whilst educating the younger generation about when to call 999 and appropriate use of emergency services.

In the near future the StayWise app will also be available on all Trust iPad devises allowing staff to promote community education on the move.’

You can find the StayWise platform here, just create your own account and get exploring!

Published 1st November 2022