Politeness is important

transparent eeast crest

We have been running the Executive Q&A sessions since 2020 now. Hopefully most people agree that they are a useful opportunity to update you all on the important activity taking place across the Trust and, more crucially, for you to put questions to the CEO and executive directors.

We are really keen to listen to everyone’s views and to make these sessions as inclusive, informal and transparent as we can. We know that most people really want to help improve our Trust and have some great questions and comments to put forward.

Change is not always a quick process and we understand that it can be frustrating when the pace of change is slow in dealing with some of the complex issues that are now being tackled.

However, if we are to create a working environment in line with all our values and that is open, respectful and kind then the way that we all show up at work, including the Q&As is really important. However frustrated we feel - however cynical or tired - we need to focus on having polite and respectful exchanges that recognise other perspectives. This is very important as it impacts not only on our  colleagues but ultimately on our patients and the quality of care that we provide - as Tom mentions in his new CEO blog (published this week).

Therefore we’re asking that everyone joining the Q&A sessions phrases their questions in a polite and respectful way. We are more than happy to answer challenging and difficult questions, but any questions that are rude or aggressive in tone will not be published or answered. 

Thank you to all of you for your hard work and your commitment to making EEAST a better place to work.

If you have any questions please contact oce.eeast@eastamb.nhs.uk

Tom, Kate, Melissa, Emma, Simon, Hein, Kevin and Marika

Your Executive Team

Published 13th June 2023