Reminder on receiving gifts and hospitality

Christmas gifts

We are once again approaching the festive period and as such you may find increasing offers of gifts and hospitality from patients and the public.

We recognise that you are under pressure, and these small gifts can be beneficial for your health and wellbeing, however, please could you ensure you familiarise yourself with the Standards of Business Conduct Policy before accepting any gifts or hospitality.

In particular you should not accept;

  • Gifts of alcohol or tobacco products
  • Gifts for an individual with a value exceeding £25, however where these are for the benefit of a whole station/ area, they may be accepted
  • Monetary gifts - where it is not possible to return these (e.g., no return address provided), they should be deposited as charitable funds for the benefit of the whole area

If you are uncertain whether a gift is acceptable and would like advice or guidance you can check the Standards of Business Conduct Policy or contact the governance team via email All offers of gifts and hospitality, whether accepted or declined, should be declared to the governance team via the form available here.

Published 3rd December 2021