Sleep better with Headspace

Sleep and stress

As this Stress Awareness Month comes to an end, we want to remind everyone to make use of the resources available to take care of yourself.

Headspace, the mindfulness and meditation app, is available for employees across EEAST to download free of charge. Sleep by Headspace provides various resources to help de-stress and fall asleep at any time of the day try meditation in the evening. Meditation is not about stopping thoughts, it is about learning to be more at ease with your thoughts and more compassionate with yourself and others. In this way, mindful meditation can reduce stress, and help improve our sleep.

Headspace provides various resources to help sleep better. Try one of the many soothing sleepcasts or some sleep music from the Sleep experience. Sleepcasts run about 45 minutes and can help create a relaxing, peaceful environment for sleep.

Headspace also offers hundreds of guided exercises for focus, movement, meditation, and more topics for any moment. The app can help you reduce stress, sleep soundly, and boost mental wellness. All EEAST employees can access Headspace app resources for free by logging in here. Headspace resources are also available for all to access from their YouTube


Pre-Sleep Gratitude Checklist

Practicing gratitude can have many positive effects on our lives including lowering blood pressure, reducing risks of depression and anxiety, and setting the right conditions for better sleep. Consider keeping a gratitude journal, writing down a few things you’re thankful for a few times per week. There’s no right or wrong way to do this.

These “gratitude checklist” questions are useful for journaling –an excellent mindfulness practice as you wind down your day.

  • What are three or more aspects of your personality that make you proud?
  • What is the most beautiful moment you experienced today? How did it make you feel?
  • Identify a one-word wish for tomorrow. How would it change your day if your wish came true?
  • Think about someone who brings you joy. Write down and explore the wonderful qualities they display.
  • What are you looking forward to most tomorrow? What makes you grateful for this opportunity?


Practice this mindful body scan for a more restful sleep

Scan downward through the body, starting at the top of the head and finishing at the toes. As you scan downward, notice how different parts of the body feel.

What feels comfortable? What feels uncomfortable? This is not about changing anything or fixing anything. It’s about noticing.

Stay objective, curious. With a little practice, you can settle your body and mind. You can move into a more restful state.




Other resources

Sleep problems - Every Mind Matters - NHS

Sleep and mental health - Mind

How to sleep better | Mental Health Foundation


Published 27th April 2023