Summary care – How is it going?

Side of RRV with lozenge

The rollout of the summary care record and national record locator access (SCR &NRL) has been ongoing within EEAST since late October 2022.

SCR & NRL access gives staff an easier way to view a patient’s medical record and social history than what GP connect currently offers. The result is also instant, saving time. E- Plans and documentation relating to the patient’s care may also be available for clinicians to view. Finally, the system also displays CPIS alerts for children or (unborn children) who are subject to child protection orders, looked after child alerts, FGM alerts, and reasonable adjustment flags. Signing up to SCR & NRL is equivalent to having a smart card access. Take a look at our video.

The ePCR and summary care team started the rollout in late November 2022 in Norfolk and Waveney, moved to Hertfordshire and West Essex, from there moved to Mid and South Essex, and on to Suffolk and North Essex. Currently we are rolling out the access to staff in the Cambridge and Peterborough area. Next week, we will move to our final area which is Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK).

So far, we have had 1,114 members of staff sign up for iPad access to the SCR & NRL app. We would like to thank everyone so far who has signed up for the access. If you are in one of the areas that the ePCR and summary care team have already covered but would like to sign up please Teams message me your enquiry or use your area Teams SCR page, or email

Signing up for summary care access is entirely voluntary. However, CPIS checks being carried out on certain groups of patients who are being discharged from an EEAST clinicians care is now a mandatory requirement, see more about this hereHaving access to the summary care app via your iPad means you can carry out this check yourself, saving you calls to ECAT or dispatch to see if someone else has, or could, perform a CPIS check for you. You can read about Child Protection Informations Sharing Service here.

We know that some members of staff are reluctant to sign up as NHS digital have requested that our registration authorities (RA) check ID for each person who requests access to the app (See more about the RA process here. We completely understand your hesitancy when sending information over email, so where possible please make use of the Zivver function within our email system.


Opportunity alert -

NHS digital have also offered us access to their self-verification mobile app that we would like to trial with a group who would like to sign up but were not willing to send documentation to our RA’s. Using the app means you can verify your identity at your leisure. We would like a mix of volunteers to represent all levels of IT and technology capability from within EEAST. So please don’t feel that this opportunity isn’t for you if you’re not that ‘tech savvy’. If your interested, we would love to hear from you. Please email Rebecca.o’ to put your name forward or send questions.

Published 12th May 2023