Thursday 23 March: Executive message from Dr Hein Scheffer, Director of Strategy, Culture and Education

Photograph of Dr Hein Scheffer

I cannot believe that I have been at EEAST for nearly 12 months, it feels like yesterday when I joined on 1st April 2022. My introduction to the Trust over the past year has been made easier thanks to you and your passion about the work you do for our patients. We all want to see this Trust achieve, and the willingness of us all to work collectively to tackle challenging issues means I truly get out of bed with joy each morning, as I know whilst progress may be slow, together we will make EEAST a great place to work, learn and volunteer.

Making EEAST inclusive and safe for everyone

You will no doubt have seen the recent media coverage of the results of our survey of BME colleagues. Like many of you, I found it very hard to read about some of their experiences, but I believe that it is very important that we are open about sharing the findings. Tom Abell and I are also asking all managers across the Trust to share the BME survey results in full with their teams and to reflect on our own behaviours and what we can all do as individuals to make EEAST a place where everyone feels welcome.

We have also completed research into the experiences of our LGBT+ colleagues and those of our colleagues with disabilities and neurodiversity. I am pleased to say that we had good response rates to both surveys – with 65% for the LGBT+ survey and 71% for the disability and neurodiversity survey. We will share the results shortly with the networks and then with all of our people but in the meantime, I would like to share some of the common themes across all three surveys.  

The four main themes that have emerged are:

  • Inappropriate language is being used across the Trust
  • There is a lack of cultural awareness, ignorance pertaining to cultural differences
  • Some managers do not behave appropriately
  • There may be direct and/or indirect discrimination in some of our policies

Along with the findings from the national NHS staff survey, the recommendations from all of this research will feed into our overall inclusivity plan for the Trust and we’ll be sharing that soon to gather your views on it. We will also be repeating all three surveys over the next three years so that we can track our progress.

I, and the whole of the executive team, want to ensure that we make this an inclusive and safe workplace for everyone.

2019 graffiti incident

Last week we also saw regional media coverage of an investigation into graffiti at one of our sites. It is important for the organisation that we are open and honest with our people about this deplorable incident, and recognise the systemic issues evidenced in the survey. This is not about singling out any specific team or individual. Indeed, the learning from this incident has wide implications across our entire service. Tom has met with those affected, and apologised to anyone who had perceived this to be a specific labelling of a team or individual, as this was never the intention.

Most important now, is that we move forward and work together to support our colleagues and create an open and honest workplace for all of us.

Breach of Copyright

This week, Dean Ayers, our Head of Information Governance and Security, shared details of an investigation the Data Security team have been running into colleagues using Trust resources to host illegal copies of books, movies, computer games and TV shows. You can read his message in full here, but what we really want to impress upon everyone is that this is completely inappropriate, illegal, and could result in fines or prosecution for both the Trust and the individuals involved. Not only this, but downloading these files creates a real cyber security threat for us. This must stop immediately.

Let’s Talk About…

‘Let’s Talk’ is the next stage of the Trust’s ‘Speak Up, Speak out, Stop it’ campaign. It’s an opportunity for managers and staff to talk about culture in their workplace and we will be rolling out culture workshops across all the sectors. The first of these workshops took place with PTS colleagues on 8th February and we are holding a follow-up session with them on 12th April. The feedback so far from PTS colleagues is that they were happy to see PTS as the first area of the Trust to be considered for this, as they hope it will both raise the profile of PTS and make the team feel valued. There is clearly lots to do but the PTS team is keen to support on this vitally important area of work and they all welcome continued involvement.

Ask Strategy, Culture and Education

On Tuesday 28th March we will be holding the first of our regular Strategy, Culture & Education surgeries. Like the Ask People Services sessions you will be able to book a 30-minute Teams session with myself, Tanya van der Merwe, Lauren Singleton or Caroline Nwadu to ask us any questions you might have about culture and leadership within EEAST. Please contact Helen Howell, my Executive Assistant, to book your place.

Developing our leaders

We know from the staff survey and other sources that having good managers and leaders across the trust is vital to making sure that all our people get the opportunities and support that they need. As mentioned in last week’s message, today (23rd) and on the 27th March we are bringing together all our managers and leaders across the trust over two leadership days.

We would like your support with developing a new leadership development programme. The first stage is to fully understand what the training and development needs are within your department, your team and yourself. We recently shared an article on Need to Know, asking you to share your feedback via a short anonymous survey. It’s important to get 360 feedback from all staff, not just managers and leaders, as everyone needs to reflect and input in the skills they believe our leaders need within EEAST. The survey is open until 31st March.

If you have any questions regarding the programme or survey, please email Tanya Vandermerwe.


You may be aware that Ramadan began yesterday (22nd March) and will last until 20th April. During that time, please support our Muslim colleagues who may be fasting. It is not easy to do a full day’s work, as physically demanding at that of the Ambulance Services, and to go without food and water during daylight hours. I noted that Chris Hopkins, the Chief Strategy Officer of the NHS is promoting #NHSRamadanChallenge on Twitter, in support of our Muslim colleagues. You may want to look up the challenge and consider going without food and water for one day during Ramadan as an act of allyship.

Thank You Thursday

This week’s Thank You comes from a patient in south-east Essex.

The 111 service called an ambulance to my house, arriving promptly they asked what my problem was, taking blood pressure/temperature/ECG. They were very kind, did not rush and helped me to the ambulance to take me to hospital. Both gentlemen were very kind. Thank you for first class service.

Thank you for all your hard work and have a good week.

Dr Hein Scheffer
Director of Strategy, Culture and Education


Published 23rd March 2023