Thursday 9th March 2023 - Executive message from Emma de Carteret, Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance

Photo of Emma DeCarteret

BME and staff survey results

This week Tom Abell emailed all colleagues about the findings from both the National Staff Survey and the recent BME survey. The results of both surveys have now been shared publicly and whilst there are positives to take from the National Survey, the overwhelming message from both these pieces of work is that our BME colleagues feel there is a lot more work to be done to create an inclusive, open and equal work environment.

This is difficult to hear, and I am sure none of us want to work in an organisation where colleagues feel discriminated against. We will be using these findings as a catalyst to push forward even more quickly with the work we are doing to improve our culture. To everyone who participated in either survey, thank you. You can read more about the National Staff Survey and the BME survey findings on Need to Know. In the meantime, please help us stamp out any inappropriate behaviour – if you see it, please speak up and formally report it so it can be fully investigated and acted upon.

Undercover filming

Tonight (Thursday 9th March) at 9pm Channel 4 will be broadcasting a Dispatches documentary about the NHS, centring on EEAST and Watford General Hospital. The programme features covert filming which was carried out by an apprentice EMT who was based at Watford Ambulance Station and has now resigned from the service.

This programme was made without our knowledge or consent, and we have not been allowed to see any of the footage in advance, but we have been assured by the programme makers that patients and colleagues filmed without consent have been anonymised.

However, it has been an extremely difficult few days as colleagues have become aware of what has happened, particularly for those who worked alongside him. If you need help or support to cope with any of this, whether you were directly impacted by the filming or feel affected once you have seen the broadcast, then please speak to  your line manager, our FTSU Guardian, or access the support on offer through our Wellbeing Hub. What’s happened is very upsetting, but no-one is alone, and we will look after each other.

As a reminder, filming in this way is an extremely serious breach both of patient confidentiality and breach of trust between colleagues. We take this extremely seriously; it is completely unacceptable and may lead to disciplinary action and even prosecution. This is the reason we have a Social Media and Digital Policy in place, to ensure everyone is clear about our guidelines, expectations and potential consequences if the policy is breached.

Please remember, you can always report issues of staff or patient safety, or unprofessional behaviour to our Freedom To Speak Up Guardian who will ensure that you can do this safely and will be supported. 

Industrial Action – and appeal for help

I’m sure by now you will all have heard that Unison, GMB and Unite suspended their industrial action that was planned for this week. The unions are continuing their talks with Government over a pay deal. We will await further updates on the situation and will share any information with you on Need to Know as and when we receive it.

However we must prepare for previously announced strike action due on 20th March, which, if it goes ahead, would have a very serious impact on our service.

We are likely to be especially short of call handlers to allow us to operate as a minimum level of business continuity. We would urge anyone who is willing and free to do this vital role to apply to undertake the two-day call handler training course at Bedford or Norwich that we have arranged for next week. The first course will be held at Norwich EOC, 14th – 15th  March, the second will be at Bedford EOC, 16th - 17th March. Both courses will run from 09.00 until 17.00 and there are nine spaces on each.

Please be aware that you will have the support of the Executive Board if you want to undertake call handler training - or indeed any other business continuity training – so that you can be relieved from your normal role.

Please contact Kelly Anne Applegate, EOC Training and Education Manager for more details and to book.

We will also be appealing for some drivers with a C1 ambulance to help move ambulances the evening before the planned industrial action (Sunday 19th March), and then again on Tuesday 21st March, as well as asked for clinically trained people to provide contingency ambulances. If you think you can help please contact:

Talking about change

When it comes to change and improvement across the organisation, we frequently talk about how valuable your input to drive this forward. Last year, we held a number of engagement sessions focusing on key areas of the improvement programme which gave us the opportunity not just to talk to you about the work already underway, but also gave you the chance to feed into our next steps.

These sessions were beneficial, and we have decided to run them again between March and May via Teams. We’re currently pulling together a final schedule of the dates and will share them with you as soon as it’s completed. As per last time, the sessions will be advertised on NTK and you will be able to book your place via Evolve. If you can attend a session the please do so, as your views really are important for us to get a clear picture of what is really happening.

Trust Q&As

This week’s Trust-wide Q&A session will focus on the results from both the BME and staff surveys. Our Director of Strategy, Culture and Education, Hein Scheffer will be on the session to answer any questions about the findings and talk through our action plan for the future.  

The briefing will take place at 4pm today (Thursday 9th March). Please do attend the briefing if you are able and use the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have about the surveys, or any other Trust-wide issues.

Thank you Thursday

This week’s Thank You comes from a patient in East Suffolk.

"Thank you so much to the crew who looked after me so kindly and provided me with emotional support too. We are really grateful for their presence, assistance, respect and gentle humour."

Thank you for everything you are doing.

Emma De Carteret
Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance



Published 9th March 2023