Update on Industrial Action

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Dear colleagues,

As you will be aware, the healthcare unions have balloted their members in response to several issues, including pay. These ballots have now closed, and industrial action for ambulance trusts across the country has been announced for December 21.

In EEAST the ballot did not reach the threshold for industrial action being taken for our Trust. At this time, we understand there is a potential for unions to conduct a reballot of its members.

We want to be clear that, while action is not currently due to take place, we entirely understand the strength of feeling behind the concerns you have around pay and the working conditions you currently face.

 We are committed to working together to improve working lives here at EEAST. Thank you all for your constant dedication to provide the best care possible for the patients, despite the challenges we face.

If you have any queries regarding industrial action you can speak to your line manager, union representative, People Partners (HRBP) or email HRadvice@eastamb.nhs.uk.

Thank you for everything you do,

Tom Abell, CEO

Published 6th December 2022