Update on Patient Transport Services contracts

Norwich PTS vehicles

As a Trust we are committed to providing non-emergency patient transport services (PTS) that are patient centred and allow our patient transport staff to deliver an excellent service.  

However, the contracts that we enter need to be properly funded for us to provide the patient-centred care that we are rightly proud of and when that is not the case, we must make pragmatic decisions.  

The contracts we hold for PTS with our Integrated Commissioning Boards are for a set time. When that contract time comes near to ending the ICBs must put the contract out for tender. 

Suffolk and north east Essex  
The contract for PTS in Suffolk and north east Essex was put out for tender in December 2022.  We were notified yesterday that SNEE ICB has decided to void the contact award process and will look to retender the contract.  We have limited detail on the next steps in relation to this decision now but will keep staff posted. We will also put a Q&A for SNEE staff in the diary for the end of this week with Tom Abell to discuss further.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough 
The deadline for submissions for this contract closes on 2nd August and we have made the decision not to bid for the contract. This has been a tough decision as we have held this contract for over 20 years, but it was one we reached as we couldn’t provide a quality, patient-centred service with the funding available for the contract.   

The contract is not due to be taken over by any new provider until November 2024.

This will obviously be unsettling for staff working in PTS in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and we have discussed the next steps and how we can support them. All staff will have the opportunity to TUPE transfer to the new provider if a contract is awarded.

The Integrated Care Board will go through the process of re-tendering for the contract. Given the timescales attached to this, it will likely mean that our contract will be rolled over in the short term. We expect an update from the ICB mid-August, we will share this update with staff as soon as we can.    

Norfolk and Waveney
The Trust does not currently hold this contract and we have decided to not bid for this contract as, like Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, we don’t feel we could provide a quality, patient centred service with the funding available for the contract.  

Bedfordshire and Luton / Hertfordshire and west Essex 
For both contracts EEAST Is working in partnership with the ICBs to develop the current contracts and look at co-development of a future model to improve the offer for patients and staff. This will mean that for both contracts they will follow a different contract award process. 

EEAST’s board remains committed to working with all our ICBs to deliver high quality patient transport across the region.

We would encourage anyone impacted by these decisions and contract changes to talk to your line manager, contact the employee assistance programme on 0808 196 2374 or the EEAST Wellbeing Team: wellbeing@eastamb.nhs.uk.

Published 1st August 2023