Goal Three -


Click on the image above to be directed to the Goal Three Sway document to find out how the Trust is improving the use of PPE

PPE provides a physical barrier between the health worker and hazardous agents and is vital for infection prevention and control.
Despite well defined protocols and procedures, adherence to PPE practices has been a challenge in healthcare settings. Individual, environmental and organisational factors could considerably impact on PPE related behaviours.
Adequate supply and training on its use are both critical, as is a culture of safety. PPE is only one in a range of IPC measures to prevent the spread of infection.





 Fit2Fit Training 

Donning and Doffing cards:

Sharp & Splash Exposure Action Card- Please go to page 48 of this document

Chain of Infection - Please go to page 11 of this document





This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/goal-three-.htm?pr=