National threat level

Side of RRV with lozenge

As you are probably aware, the current national threat level is at severe which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely. It is now even more essential that you are extra vigilant regarding security of Trust premises, vehicles and equipment, including uniform. 


  • Don’t let anyone tailgate you into any secure areas at NHS premises, including hospitals and your own station/place of work. 
  • Always check who is following behind you and challenge – if safe to do so.
  • Wear your ID in a prominent position on your uniform.
  • Ensure doors and windows are closed when you leave your station/place of work.
  • Don’t prop front doors (or any access door) open.
  • Make a note of the registration number of any suspicious vehicles.
  • If you see anything suspicious, report it to EOC or dial 999 if there is an emergency, or 101 if not an immediate emergency.


A marked Trust vehicle is potentially an easy target for criminals and potential terrorists, so please keep your vehicle safe and secure. There are specific police departments who deal with lost/stolen marked vehicles and the Trust has reporting mechanisms in place.


Please remember that your uniform belongs to the Trust at all times and any surplus items of uniform or equipment must not be offered for sale or given away on any sale or social media sites. Disciplinary action may be taken against any member of staff doing this. 

If you have any old items, please return them to your base station, where arrangements are in place for their disposal. Staff who have retained their uniform because they are on zero-hour contracts must return any items when they have left the bank.

Following the threat to uniformed police officers last year, please also remember that the Trust’s uniform policy states that those travelling to and from work in greens must wear a jacket or other item which covers the Trust insignia and/or rank markings. The policy also asks for particular vigilance to avoid leaving high visibility coats and other uniform on display in private vehicles, or any items that could be used as a means of identity.

Published 1st February 2015 

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