Waiting for vaccination? Help us target you


It is important to help protect ourselves from COVID-19 and ensure that we all have the vaccine as soon as possible and we have been given a target by NHS E/I to get all our staff vaccinated by the end of the month. EEAST vaccination teams have been working hard to vaccinate staff and volunteers across the region and are making good progress.

Nearly two-thirds of staff have been vaccinated and we want to make it as easy as possible for remaining staff to have the vaccine.

Now our teams are well into the vaccination programme, there is the resilience to start targeting any staff still waiting for their vaccination.
We understand that, due to the flow of vaccines, clinics may not have been held at locations or at suitable times for every individual’s needs.
There are also staff who are waiting for the 28-day gap required after a positive isolation period and currently unable to have their vaccination.

We are asking for your help with this by filling out the questionnaire in the vaccine request form if you have not had your vaccination yet.
This will help us plan clinics to ensure we direct resources in the areas of greatest need.

Vaccine request form

We may use your details to contact you to make vaccination arrangements.

We will use the survey data to put clinics in targeted areas so please visit the Vaccination Homepage for more details of how to book your vaccination as these clinics become available.

Side effects
There has been some talk about side effects from having both the Pfizer – BioNTech and AstraZeneca but it is important to put these in perspective.
Less than 10 per cent of our staff have suffered side effects and the vast majority of these are relatively mild cold-like symptoms which resolved within 24 to 48 hours.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your line manager.

If you can’t make one of our Clinics you could register with an acute hospital

To let us know which hospital you will be interested in getting a vaccine from.

Some of the region’s hospitals such as Watford, Colchester and Ipswich, need this information sent to them from EEAST so you can register for the vaccine and book in for the second dose.                                                       
If you have had the vaccine please follow this link
Site Selection form

If you have received a vaccine, either in house with EEAST or externally, please use this form to let us know where you had this done.
Lateral flow and Vaccine record form

If you do not want the vaccine
The vaccine program protects you, your family, colleagues and our patients. Everyone at EEAST is encouraged to receive a vaccine to aid the fight against this global pandemic, but it is the individual’s right to choose whether to have it or not. EEAST is required to submit a report to NHS England stating how many staff have had or declined a vaccine.
This data will be anonymised. If you decline the vaccine please complete the online form to that effect.

Vaccine Decline Record form
This data will be provided to NHSE only as part of our total staffing numbers report and will not be used or visible locally to challenge or sway you in any other way.

As much as the vaccination is voluntary, EEAST are encouraging all their staff to get the vaccine as soon as possible to protect themselves, their families, their colleagues, and the patients we all serve.

All the above links can be downloaded as a printable PDF document with scanable QR codes bellow.

Thanks very much

Chris Martin – Clinical Lead

Published 26th January 2020