It's all about you

World Mental Health Day 2021

World Mental Health Day takes place on 10th October, aiming to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and make mental health care and support accessible for everyone.

The global theme for 2021 is, Mental health care for all: let's make it a reality. Not only has the pandemic had a major impact on people’s mental health, but it has caused significant disruption to support services for those needing advice and care. The day will be an opportunity for many countries to highlight the work they are doing to address this, prioritising mental health care and tackling the stigma that often surrounds mental health conditions.

In the UK, the Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign is focusing on ‘What works for me’ and demonstrating how different actions can help us with our mental wellbeing. The campaign is being supported by the NHS endorsed Mind Plan quiz. The quiz takes a couple of minutes to complete, but is well worth doing as it provides a variety of personalised suggestions of small changes, we can all make to look after our mental health.

Tom Abell, EEAST CEO, said ‘I’m really pleased that more of us than ever before are talking about mental health.  The importance of simply having these conversations and breaking down the stigma associated with mental health cannot be underestimated.  World Mental Health Day is an opportunity for us all to check in with our colleagues and friends and take a few minutes for ourselves.  At EEAST there is a range of wellbeing support available to all our staff and volunteers. It’s there for you, so please do use it and share the information with your teams. Your health and wellbeing must always come first.’

As well as the Mind Plan quiz, the Every Mind Matters website showcases NHS endorsed practical tips from sufferers and videos on experts on dealing with COVID-19, stress and anxiety, boosting your mood, sleeping better and what you can do to help others.

Published 8th October 2021