Richard Denman's funeral

Transparent EEAST crest

Richard’s funeral is taking place on Friday, 9th January at 11am at Carmolite Monastry in Quiddenham, Norfolk (NR16 2PH).

If you are attending, please wear either operational or dress uniform as detailed below. All uniformed staff are invited to join Richard’s Guard of Honour; please be in position outside the Church no later than 10.30am when instructions for the Guard will be shared with you. Richard’s funeral procession will be led by Chief Executive Dr Anthony Marsh.

The Church service will be followed by a funeral at Earlham Crematorium (193 Earlham Road, NR2 3RG), and light refreshments and lunch will be available for staff at the Norwich depot, Longwater, after this.

Dress code

Please note that a combination of operational and dress uniform is not permitted.

Operational uniform: standard green shirt and combat style trousers, white t-shirts and issued soft-shell jacket. Medals should not be worn with the soft-shell jackets, but medal ribbons may be worn as pictured. Colleagues are asked not to wear additional items such as badges, hats or scarves, and high-visibility jackets or fleeces are not permitted.

Dress uniform: white shirt, plain green tie, cap, and medals positioned as pictured, and cap. Please note only pallbearers and members of the colour party (who will be notified ahead of time) will be asked to wear white gloves and white belts.

 Published 8th January 2015

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