Thursday 20th October - Leadership message from Marika Stephenson, Executive Director of People Services

Marika Stephenson Director of People Services

Firstly, I would like to take the time to acknowledge the continued pressures that we are facing on a daily basis and to reassure you that we are working closely with our system partners to work towards minimising these challenges.  In the meantime, it is very important that you take time to look after yourself and your own wellbeing, you are the most important part of this organisation, please do ask for help if and when you need it.

Spotlight on racism
Hafsa Mahumud, a former paramedic with EEAST is sharing her experience of working on the frontline as part of Spotlight on Racism, an initiative run by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE). We shared Hafsa’s story last week on Need to Know and you can watch it here.  AACE are asking that anyone who works with or for an ambulance service in the UK to take the time to watch this every impactful video.

Hafsa talked about this at the recent AACE conference. Her story is incredibly hard hitting, and not an easy watch, but we all need to hear it to reinforce the importance of tackling the reality of racism together. As a Trust we have signed up to both the UNISON Anti-racism charter and the AACE Anti-racism charter which commit organisations and their leaders to a series of pledges which include improving our racial equality, diversity and inclusion and championing a racially diverse workforce. We want to develop a culture where we all feel comfortable to come to work and confident to call out behaviour that does not meet our standards as a collective.

We know there is still a long way to go but we are determined to be better. Black History Month is the ideal opportunity for us all to focus our efforts, but we must ensure that this is part of our daily life, not just a concentrated effort for four weeks of the year. It’s up to all of us. Please remember that our Freedom to Speak Up service is available to support you in raising any issues or concerns you may have, and you can find contact information here

Men’s wellbeing network
This week, we announced that a Men’s Wellbeing Network will launch on Friday 18th November, to coincide with international Men’s Day on the 19th. The network will be a safe space for men, and those identifying as men, to share their thoughts and experiences and talk about their own mental wellbeing and focus on male gender issues that impact work.

The new network will require a Chair, Relationship Building/External Events Officer and a Secretary. If you are interested in one of these roles, then please contact the EDI team at: with your expression of interest and explaining why you are suitable.

AWE roadshow
The All-Women EEAST (AWE) Network have hosted a roadshow this week at locations around the region, starting positive conversations around women's health issues and looking at the impact of our health in the workplace. So far, the team has visited Chelmsford, Longwater and Luton and today they are hosting a Teams LIVE event from 10:00-12:00. Tomorrow (Friday 21st) they will be at Ipswich Ambulance Station from 10:00-16:00 with information and products covering all aspects of women’s health.

The network is open to all EEAST staff and volunteers, if you would like to find out more or are interested in joining, then please email

Changes at Chelmsford
Thank you to everyone affected by the current refurbishment of Chelmsford EOC. It will be great for our colleagues based there to be able to work in an environment that is more up to date and fit for purpose, but I do appreciate that projects of this nature come with a lot of upheaval for everyone involved. Whether you work in the EOC or have been supporting the team by helping with their workload whilst major work was taking place this week, we are extremely grateful for your patience and understanding.   

Tackling unmet needs
Our Unmet Needs project is going from strength to strength as we now have our two facilitators, Graham and Diane, in place to manage calls and direct patients to the support they require. The initiative is funded by our EEAST charity and was launched to support frontline staff who arrive to treat patients and realise they require further non-medical support which we simply cannot provide, whether it’s for mental health, loneliness or financial difficulties. Our facilitators will then signpost those patients to further support.

If you attend a patient and feel they would benefit from our Unmet Needs service, simply go to the online form and ask the patient to complete their details, they will then be contacted by the facilitators once you have left the scene, although it may not be the same day. You can access the form via a QR code which we will be providing to staff on a business card. The cards are currently being printed and will be distributed shortly.

Flu clinics now open
1,300 colleagues across the Trust have already had their flu jab since we opened our clinics ten days ago. If you’re looking to book yours, you can find all the dates and available slots on Need to Know. I know we’ve said it many times already, but vaccination really is the quickest, easiest way to keep people safe, I had mine last week and it took no more than a couple of minutes. Please do consider having your jab if you’ve not yet done so.

Costa voucher success
Hopefully by now many of you have enjoyed a free treat from Costa as a thank you for completing your staff survey. We’re two weeks in now and nearly 31% of our people have responded – so thank you to everyone who has participated. You can see how many responses we’ve received from each area in the table below.

We still need to hear from more of you please. As well as the bonus of receiving your hot drinks voucher it’s important to use this valuable opportunity to get your voice heard. In doing so, you help us drive our strategy for the coming year and focus our efforts on what we need to do more of and what’s working well. It just takes a few minutes and can be completed during work time so please respond at your first opportunity and we can gather a really clear picture of life at EEAST.


Thank You Thursday
This week our Thank You Thursday is from a patient in West Essex.

"The lady who books me in for transport to and from the hospital is very patient. I am very deaf so she has to raise her voice!"

From a thankful patient in west Essex. 

Stay safe and well,

Marika Stephenson
Executive Director of People Services

Published 20th October 2022