Thursday 9th June - Leadership message from Emma De-Carteret, Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance

Emma De Carteret

Last weekend was memorable for many of us, as we joined with family, friends, and neighbours to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. Dedicating your life to serving others cannot be easy, and to do so for 70 years is certainly an incredible feat, which is why the weekend was so poignant. But here at EEAST we are privileged to work alongside colleagues who regularly put others first, whether that’s operating in hazardous situations, working long hours and missing special occasions, or supporting colleagues when they are struggling. For those of you who were working this Bank Holiday weekend, a thank you from all of us, for taking care of our patients and keeping things moving during another busy period.

Volunteer’s Week
Over the past seven days, we have also been celebrating the valuable contribution of our volunteers, as part of Volunteers Week. It’s been great to meet some more of our CFR teams, who have been at Melbourn collecting new Raizer II chairs, which will help them when lifting falls patients. As well as our CFRs we also have volunteers who support us as patient drivers, chaplains and members of our Community Engagement Group. Further details about our Volunteers are available here.   

Pride month
June is Pride month, and there are a series of events being held across the region, and the country, to mark the occasion. I’m very grateful to our LGBT+ network who will be representing EEAST at several of these events and hopefully encouraging more people to choose the ambulance service as a career path.

Our LGBT+ network is just one of the support networks on offer to colleagues within the Trust, and they play a vital role in ensuring that we are as open and accessible as possible both for colleagues already working for EEAST and anyone looking to join the organisation. You can find more information about the networks, and details of how to join them, here. 

Jubilee medals and coins
All managers have now received the Jubilee medals and coins for their teams and will be presenting them to colleagues over the coming days. If you have not yet received your medal then please do bear with us, distributing them to the entire Trust is a huge undertaking and does take some time. If you do have any queries, please email

Who Cares Wins 2022
Over the next month, NHS Charities Together are asking people to nominate their healthcare heroes for a Who Cares Wins award. The awards recognise individuals working across the health service who have gone above and beyond, and last year the ceremony was broadcast on Channel 4. 

There is more information about the awards, including the categories, here. Please do consider whether you have a colleague, friend or family member who would be a worthy nominee. It would be great to see some of our own EEAST heroes recognised for their work. The closing date is 12th July.

Thank you and take care.

Emma De-Carteret
Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance



9th June 2022