Always Connected Wi-Fi Enabled Ambulance pilot coming to EEAST

always connected ambulance

EEAST are working with NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (NHS AGEM) to be the first NHS Ambulance Service to trial this new type of always on Connectivity.

NHS AGEM are working with the European Space Agency to support a fully funded research and development opportunity in the NHS.  This involves working with industry partners to influence the development of a sophisticated internet router called Hybrid Connex.  Hybrid Connex combines multiple traditional cellular sims with the ability to connect to low level satellite communications to ensure its always on connection. 

Hybrid Connex will be installed on 3 DSA’s and 3 RRV’s across Norfolk and Waveney. Crews using these vehicles during the trial will connect automatically with their Trust iPads via the vehicle Wi-Fi to be ‘Always Connected’ no matter where they respond to.

Vehicles will begin to be fitted out with the additional equipment required for the trail over the next few of weeks. The trial will last for 90 days from September to November during this time we will be looking at the speed of data, ensuring that the connection is always on as well as gathering feedback from the crews on any noticeable benefits they see.

The aim of the pilot is to test the impact of connectivity in assisting crews to deliver patient care. Will ‘Always Connected’ enable you to:

  • immediately download information?
  • access different systems?
  • make better informed decisions in all your jobs at any location?

We will test if:

  • crews stay connected when parked outside any hospital
  • other trust vehicles can connect to the vehicle Wi-Fi when parked close by
  • the number of ‘See & Treat’ outcomes are increased and conveyances are reduced
  • you have connectivity even in locations that have low or no cellular coverage

Further information and Training materials will be released to all staff working in the areas where the trial vehicles will be located ahead of the go live of the trial.

Published 6th August 2023