An Easter message from the Multi-Faith Network

Easter message 2021

The Trust Multi-Faith Network are pleased to share information about Easter, from Trust members of the Christian Ambulance Association.

What Easter means to a Christian

This is such a beautiful time of year, the dark cold days of winter give way to lighter warmer days of Spring, nature bursts into life and we all start to feel a little better about ourselves.

Spring is also about Easter – you might like to listen to the Easter Hallelujah song.  For Christians, Easter is so much more than a time for chocolate eggs and bank holidays.  This is called Holy Week which starts with Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey as people shouted and proclaimed Him as their King and laid palm branches on the ground. And ends with Good Friday and Easter Sunday when Jesus was crucified and then is raised from the dead.

For us Easter is as big as, if not bigger than, Christmas. In fact, the two go together because without Christmas there would be no Easter! At Christmas Jesus Christ (God) enters our world as a baby and is announced as ‘The Saviour of the World’. Easter is the reason and culmination of that coming when, 33 years later, Jesus’ life is ended when He is falsely and unjustifiably sentenced to death on a Roman cross.

The Bible tells us that Jesus death was a deliberate and planned self-sacrificial action by God to bring forgiveness and hope to the world and that His resurrection from the dead, 3 days later, conquered death for all time and gives us hope of eternal life.

Christians believe that sin (all our wrong-doing) separates us from having a relationship with God but that Jesus’ sacrificial death (Good Friday) on the cross paid the price for all our sin and through his death our sin can be forgiven and that relationship can be restored. When Jesus came back to life (Easter Sunday), He showed that sin and death no longer had power over us but that through His resurrection all people now have hope beyond this life. As the Bible says in Romans 6:23, ‘For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’

The Christian Ambulance Association would like to wish you all a happy and hopeful Easter time and pray that it will be the dawn of more positive and encouraging days to come as we gradually move out of lockdown and get back to a more normal way of living.

For more information you can contact the Christian Ambulance Association at  If you’d like to find out more about the work of the Trust Multi-Faith Network, please contact  We are in the process of stating a Muslim staff group so look out for more information soon on Need to Know.

Published 17th April 2022