Bedfordshire ePCR pilot goes live

ePCR Go live

The new electronic patient care record (ePCR) app for iOS Siren Nova launched in Bedfordshire this morning (Tuesday 16 March) to help us further improve the care we are able to deliver to patients. 

A world first, the new ePCR, together with a host of other clinical apps on the iPads, will provide powerful and intuitive digital tools to help our clinicians make better-informed real-time decisions on patient care. It will also help EEAST to make great strides towards a more integrated healthcare system in the east of England. 

The ePCR has launched after a team of more than 20 clinical staff from across the Trust completed their final tests of the software and devices to make sure Siren Nova integrates with other apps 

Training on the software and hardware is nearing completion for all 290 frontline staff in Bedfordshire, and has already begun in Cambridge and Peterborough, which is the next region where ePCR will be rolled out. 

This work is an important milestone in our commitment to transform EEAST by using digital technology to help deliver better patient care by improving access to patient information. 

Phil Elvidge, ePCR lead for Bedfordshire, said: “It is an exciting time. Staff have been completing their training and are already commenting on the improved performance of the devices and how easy the new clinical app is to use.   

We are looking forward to seeing how the device performs when used for creating real patient records following its launch in Bedfordshire. 

Mike Carey, ePCR programme lead, said: “The Trust is delighted with the progress of the implementation of the new ePCR system. There has been great excitement and enthusiasm from the Bedfordshire workforce at being able to use the latest technology to deliver meaningful benefits to both staff and patients.”  

Stephen Bromhall, Chief Information Officer, said: “With the launch of the next generation of ePCR Siren Nova, I am excited that we will enable all frontline staff to fully digitise and record the delivery of care to our patients. The ability to remove paper during care delivery also aligns with the NHS Long Term Plan. 

The project team is looking forward to working with the clinical leadership as this will enable many new digital initiatives to access patient longitudinal care records. The new Siren Nova platform will support the shared care record requirements which are being introduced nationally. 

Other ambulance trusts in the UK and overseas are also watching the launch of Siren Nova, which will be interesting for us all. 

Published 16th March 2021



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