Celebrating World Patient Safety

World Patient Safety Day   EEAST

The Trust will be supporting the World Health Organisation's (WHO) global event, World Patient Safety Day. 

We will be celebrating what the Trust has achieved to support the five WHO goals from 2020-2021 ‘Speak up for Health worker safety’ and on World Patient Safety Day itself, we will be focusing on the 2021-2022 goal 'Safe maternal and newborn care'.

Please sign up to our Maternity Masterclass which will be held on Teams on the 15 September 2021 12.30-15:30.  – click here to sign up. 

There will be lots to see on NTK with plenty of resources and updates. 

You can also support the campaign on social media by using the hashtag #worldpatientsafetyday 

Please see the video below where a few of Team EEAST detail the event. 

For more information on the WHO objectives for World Patient Safety Day, please click here. You can find out about their key messages here. 

Finally, there are many free external events in support of World Patient Safety Day. You can view a selection of these below. 

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/celebrating-world-patient-safety.htm?pr=