Changing Base Locations

County map with crest

Over the next month some relief staff will be contacted by their local management teams about changing their base location within their AGM areas. As per 2.1 of the updated relief policy, relief staff are to have their base station as the closest station to their home address.

  • Initially all relief staff who joined EEAST on or before 31st October 2021 will have their base stations changed (if wanted) to their closest station within their AGM area, a HR2 will need to be completed.
  • Any relief staff who joined EEAST from 1st November 2021 will be offered the closest station to their home address if vacancies allow. If there are not vacancies, they will be offered the next closest station and so on, again a HR2 will need to be completed.

As per policy, if staff are required to travel further than their base station, mileage will be able to be claimed via expenses, this should be claimed in line with the relief policy and as identified in section 3.

The updated relief policy can be found on EEAST24.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact your local admin or management teams.

Published 7th January 2022

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