Congratulations to south Cambs staff winning appreciation award

Student nurses at Addenbrooke’s Hospital have shown their appreciation to colleagues in south Cambridgeshire with an award.

The Trust was named as the best short placement area of 2016 by student nurses and Unison.

The graduating students praised the Trust for providing an excellent placement experience.

Interim Assistant SLM Nicola Turner thanked staff for being so welcoming to the students.

“They all commented on how they really enjoyed the experience and now some wish to train to become paramedics as a result.

“A big thank you goes to each and every one of you as it really is the time that you spend with these students that makes the difference. Thank you for being so accommodating to them, explaining along the way and making them feel welcome when they are on shift with you. Although they may only get one ride out during their NHS career, being able to see multi-agency working and pre-hospital care will inevitably improve their understanding of NHS and the work of the ambulance service.”

Published 26th August, 2016

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