Count to zen – a few simple stressbusting tips!

RRV with blurred paramedic

No matter who we are or where we are from, one problem can be universal, stress!

What triggers stress varies greatly from person to person, with some situations that feel stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else.

With no quick-fix, it can seem overwhelming when stressful situations occur.  Seeing what works best for you as an individual is essential. No one size fits all, but if we know what helps us, we can be more prepared to tackle stress when it does hits.

Here are a simple few tips to try to see what works for you.

  • Take small steps or bite-size chunks
    When we work towards a goal it can be overwhelming if we simply focus on the end result. Breaking things down into manageable chunks can motivate us to continue through each subsequent stage. As each chunk is finished we experience a sense of satisfaction from the knowledge that we are closer to achieving our ultimate goal.
  • Have ‘me-time’
    Allow time for yourself. Think about what would be really enjoyable for you and make time for it. Even if it is as simple as scheduling time with friends, seeing a movie, or reading time. Me-time doesn’t have to be expensive. These moments will help to get you through a stressful period.
  • Disconnect
    Thanks to technology and social media, we often make ourselves available 24/7. However, if we never remove ourselves electronically, it can feel as if we never get a break.  Put down the phone/tablet and designate yourself some time that is free from all electronic devices.
  • Express yourself

Everyone has feelings but if we fail to pay attention to them they can build up and become overwhelming. Think of feelings as important information about what is right for you. Paying attention and expressing our feelings helps us to navigate our way in the world, and improve our relationships.  Sharing our feelings with a trusted friend, particularly during difficult times can help us to feel supported and cared for.

  • Be active

Exercise is a great stress reliever as it releases feel good hormones such as endorphins.  Something as simple as going for a walk can help us clear our minds and regain focus and creativity.  Research shows that spending time in natural surroundings can be beneficial for our mood, so maybe take that walk out in the countryside!

Remember that the Well Online website is available to you 24/7, should you want to look for more stress busting tips or look for wellbeing advice in general. You can login using the username: EEASTlogin and password: wellbeing

Published 14th November, 2016

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