COVID-19 staff update December 2021

Coronavirus graphic

On Monday 13th December, the Government brought forward the country’s vaccination plan to tackle the increasing rise in COVID cases, which currently has the potential to overwhelm the NHS in terms of cases, cancellation of urgent procedures and a reduction in staff in all areas.

As the situation continues to develop, this update is designed to provide you with a snapshot of the latest information and guidance in order to keep us all safe over the festive period.

COVID-19 case rates
The current picture is changing rapidly with COVID-19 case numbers rising within the Trust. This is consistent with the trend in the number of cases being seen across the East of England region. In the 3-week period from 12th November 2021 and 5th December, community cases rose from 397 cases per 100,000 to 563 cases per 100,00, an increase of 42%.

Within the Trust, cases of either staff or their household members testing positive have increased by around 50%. A month ago, there were around 40 active positive cases per day, we now have about 60 per day. The total number of positives for November was 196 and the total figure for the beginning of this month, up until today, is 108 which suggests we will see a further increase by the end of the month.

Christmas parties
Here at EEAST, we play a vital part of the NHS response and whilst previous messages around attending Christmas and new year celebrations remain as guidance, we urge you to reconsider and remind you of the importance of being able to undertake your professional responsibilities and not to jeopardise our ability to deliver services to our patients and communities. 

Sadly, this year we cannot advocate gatherings of large staff groups meeting up to celebrate outside of work. Socialising in this way only increases the risk of transmission, catching COVID-19 and having to isolate during the festivities. Should you choose to celebrate, please follow the guidance below to keep yourself and your families as safe as possible.  

  • Keep up to date with all your vaccines 
  • Complete a LFT before attending the party and post party for 10 days
  • Do not attend if you are symptomatic, test positive or have been in contact with someone that is
  • Consider celebrating in much smaller groups
  • Consider the impact on teams if large numbers of the party group were to be stood down
  • Wear masks in line with government requirements and at the gatherings  
  • Let your COVID Team and manager know, if you become symptomatic or are made aware you have been in contact with of a symptomatic/COVID positive person

Furthermore, please remember that within the workplace Covid the following secure measures remain in place and must be followed at all times whilst on Trust premises. 

  • Continue to check temperatures and be vigilant regarding symptoms.
  • No gatherings are allowed on stations, only staff required to work on Trust premises should be on site.
  • Food sharing and communal food is prohibited on Trust sites.
  • Ensure to notify your manager, if you become symptomatic or are made aware you are a contact of a symptomatic/COVID positive person.

Data about the new variant is starting to emerge, which will hopefully provide a clearer picture about Omicron, it’s symptoms and effects. We currently have six members of staff isolating due to Omicron. Two have tested positive and four have had contact with a positive case, all of which occurred outside work.

The Omicron variant is expected to become the dominant variant across the UK, but early data suggests that receiving a booster dose of the vaccine considerably increases your protection against Omicron, around 70-75% protection against symptomatic infection.

Latest rules
Mandatory mask wearing has been reintroduced in shops and, as of this weekend, many people are once again being asked to work from home where possible. These requirements have never been removed from the healthcare environment, so from our perspective nothing changes.

One change to public guidance, with regards to Omicron, is that from Tuesday 14th December there will not be a requirement for double vaccinated people to isolate if they have contact with an Omicron case, provided they have a negative PCR tests and conduct LFTs daily. This guidance is currently in place for contacts of other non-Omicron COVID cases and will still apply going forward.

The healthcare guidance is expected to follow this change imminently, and we will then apply our usual testing process when returning any COVID-19 contacts to the workplace. At present, contacts of any COVID case must isolate from the workplace until they have been referred to the COVID team for testing and risk assessment. 

The Trust’s supply of Lateral Flow Tests has almost run out. You can now collect LFTs from a local pharmacy, using a collect code which you can access instantly via the following link: Please continue to log your results using the link provided in the pack. Results can then be logged on the link provided in the pack. You can also call 119.

Flu and COVID vaccines
Vaccines remain a great defence against infection and the current vaccines and boosters are a very effective measure against both COVID and flu.

COVID vaccines

Following the announcement of the acceleration of the National Vaccination Programme, EEAST is working closely with lead employers to manage potential workforce assistance for the programme. Details will follow later.

Within the Trust, a list of those members of staff who remain unvaccinated has been produced, ahead of the change in requirement for healthcare staff to have received their COVID-19 vaccines.

If you are a member of staff you can book a booster through the National Booking System. The booking system is currently being updated so those eligible can pre-book a booster dose from 2 months (61 days) after their second dose. There is also a chance we may be able to offer boosters internally, via appointments at a central point. If you would be interested in receiving your booster in this way, then please let us know by emailing:

If you have not yet had a first or second vaccine, please consider doing so as soon as possible. In November, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) formally announced that individuals undertaking CQC regulated activities in England (which includes EEAST), must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no later than 1 April 2022. You can book your vaccine here.

Flu vaccines
Flu vaccines are also important this winter because more people are likely to get flu this year as fewer people will have built up immunity to it during the COVID pandemic. If you get flu and COVID-19 together, research shows you’re more likely to be seriously ill. The vaccine also provides protection for your family and your patients, who may be more at risk of developing serious problems from flu.

Flu clinics are still available at EEAST. Please email your local clinic lead and they will be able to assist you. Details of your local lead can be found here. The Trust is giving egg free vaccines this year so there is no concern around allergies.

As a health care worker you can also get your flu jab at a GP surgery or pharmacy. If you have been unable to get a flu jab and would like one then please e-mail us and the Trust will put on a mobile clinic. Lastly, it’s important that you let us know you’ve received your jab wherever you have it. If you haven’t already, please update us here.

PPE Levels – patient facing
There are no indications that the transmission mode of the virus is different or that we need to change the control measures we are using. Therefore:

  • the current standard levels of PPE are appropriate when dealing with patients.
  • Level 2 PPE should be used as minimum for all patient contacts.
    - disposable gloves
    - disposable apron
    - fluid resistant surgical mask (Type IIR) (FRSM)
    - eye protection/face shield (if risk of splashing and for all suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients)
  • Level 3 PPE must be used when conducting aerosol generating procedures with all patients.
    - disposable gloves
    - fluid repellent coveralls/long sleeved apron/gown
    - FFP3 or powered respirator hood
    - eye protection/face shield (not required with a powered respirator)
  • The standard decontamination methods should continue, including the thorough post patient decontamination, using vehicle based disinfectant wipes as a minimum. More extensive decontamination will be required following AGPs and/or bodily fluid exposure.

Care should be taken to ensure that PPE is donned and doffed correctly to avoid inadvertent contamination. Full guidance and PPE donning and doffing guidance can be found here.

Working safely guidance
The current working safely guidance remains in place, see the AACE documents at the bottom of this article.

It is really important to be vigilant and stick to the existing controls. We also need to ensure that we revisit our risk assessments and controls. If any of our mitigation has changed or we have become complacent, it’s imperative that we tighten up practices and return to the stringent and correct implementation of the guidance in all settings. The key points to remember are:

  • Work from home where possible
  • Get vaccinated, including boosters
  • Lateral flow test at least twice weekly and increase where necessary
  • Isolate if symptomatic or a contact of someone who is and make the COVID-19 team aware for processing
  • Follow good hand hygiene, wash hands more regularly
  • Check your temperature 
  • Wear masks when moving around premises
  • Work behind screens
  • Follow site rules, including one-way systems and room occupancies
  • Follow physical distancing rules
  • Wear correct PPE with patients
  • Decontaminate work areas more frequently
  • Use ventilation appropriately – open windows, use extractors
  • Follow the hierarchy of controls
  • Work in bubbles and smaller group if possible

This list is not exhaustive so please review the working safely guidance below.  

Travel advice
If you are planning to travel in the next few weeks, please remember that travel advice is changing. Updated information for the country you are travelling to and from can be found here

On your return, you will need to book and pay for a COVID-19 Test to take on day 2 of your arrival home. You can take the test any time after you arrive, but it must be taken by the end of day 2. You must quarantine in your home or the place you are staying until you receive your test result.

You cannot return to work until you have received a negative result from your day 2 test. If you are due to be at work you will need to arrange with your LOM for additional holiday, TOIL or a swapped shift to account for this extra time off.

If your day 2 test comes back positive you will need to remain in isolation for 10 days.

And finally
Please continue to follow the guidance and help us keep ourselves, our colleagues, our patients and loved ones safe.

Thanks once again, to you all for your patience and understanding during these challenging times.

Published 14th December 2021




pdfAACE SRIs (6.64 MB)