Cultural Ambassadors Programme

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The Trust is in the process of launching the Cultural Ambassador Programme very soon!

This Cultural Ambassador is a pioneering new role for champions of fairness at work. The programme will provide the Trust with an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to our Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) colleagues.

This programme will support the Trust in addressing any disproportionality as highlighted in some of the data.  The 2019 and 2020 Workforce Race Equality Standards state that the relative likelihood of BAME staff entering formal disciplinary process, compared to white staff is 2.66 times greater. Also, the relative likelihood of white candidates being appointed from shortlisting compared to BAME candidates is 1.38 times greater.

In light of these figures, we recognise that if we are to make a difference then we must challenge unconscious bias and discrimination at its core and put in place mechanisms that can ensure that our processes are fairly and consistently applied to meet the needs of the diverse staff who deliver our services.

  • In September 2020, the Executive team signed off and funded the training of 15   Cultural Ambassadors.  
  • In November 2020, 15 BAME staff were trained by Royal College of Nursing (RCN ) as Cultural Ambassadors.
  • Two HR representatives and one Unison representative were also trained to support the programme.

The programme covered some important elements from influencing positive change to having that uncomfortable conversation.  Participants were able to gain an understanding of what good workplace cultural looks like.

The Cultural Ambassador’s role is a voluntary role within the Trust supporting recruitment and disciplinary hearing. Their role is to identify and explore further issues of culture, behaviour, where staff are being treated less favourably, potential discrimination and unconscious or conscious cultural bias. All of which could be present, observed and ignored during informal or formal processes. Their role is to be curious about these issues, make them transparent and create dialogue to establish the potential impact on the outcome.

 At present the Trust is awaiting the formal sign off and launch of the Cultural Ambassador programme.

For further information please contact the EDI Team:

Published 12th May 2021

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