Data Quality & Standards - IntoZetta Introduction

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To improve Data Quality in Trust Systems, the Data Quality & Standards team have been implementing the IntoZetta tool to check data stored in key Trust information systems for errors, whether generated by system or user error.

The Data Quality Policy indicates it is essential that all employees of the Trust recognise the importance of data quality and their responsibilities in this area.

IntoZetta is a tool which runs daily Structured Query Language (SQL) rules against the Trusts Data Warehouse and Data Lake to produce user friendly reporting based on known data quality errors.

Currently the team have implemented checks for Cleric (999) and GRS (Rostering), over 150+ rules have been implemented and outputs of the tool allow the DQ&S, Information,  AOC, and Rostering Teams to cleanse errors and improve overall data quality compliance.

The team are looking to deploy similar checks for PTS Cleric and EPCR in the near future, as well as working on specific outputs for other departments. 

IntoZetta Outputs

IntoZetta provides reports of identified DQ errors in the implemented systems, which can be filtered by system and other groupings including areas of geographical management responsibility. Each results rules  refresh daily to identify new errors generated in the previous 24 hr period, any errors resolved before the next daily refresh (at 02:00 each day) will mark as cleansed and be removed from IntoZetta results, allowing for tracking of cleanse activity. A rules results will provide enough information for the user to investigate the error in the core system, for example a CAD Number or Incident ID for Cleric and the data field causing the error to trigger a result. No patient or sensitive staff information is included in the report outputs.

Requesting Access to IntoZetta

Access to IntoZetta can be requested via HALO, the Trusts IT Service Desk portal. Users who had access to the previous version of the tool will be migrated to the new tool in the coming weeks. Access will only be granted to those individuals with access to the core system for which DQ checks are completed. For example:

  • Access to GRS DQ Reports will only be granted to those who have access to the GRS Live Client
  • Access to Cleric DQ Reports will only be granted to those who have access to Cleric, Portal or Operational justification to access the output.

All users will also be added to the IntoZetta distribution list to receive updates on the tool and its functionality periodically.


For any questions about the IntoZetta tool, or the Data Quality & Standards team, please contact  the dedicated Data Quality & Standards inbox:

Friday 8th July 2022

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