Did you know that you can access and review EPCR’s on Siren web?

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We have put together a list of FAQs regarding ePCR and Siren. 

  • Should I have training before using this?

Yes, the short e-learning can be found on Evolve Course: Siren web (eastamb.nhs.uk)

  • How do I access my own EPCR’s?

EPCR’s can be accessed using Siren Web Siren ePCR Suite Security - Log In (thirdparty.nhs.uk)

  • How do I login?

Siren Nova (which is used to create EPCR’s on the iPad) and Siren Web login credentials are the same. If the user makes changes to a password this change is reflected in Siren Nova and Siren web.

  • I am a manager, will I have a different access level?

Yes, clinical manager access, which gives the user the ability to see all EPCR’s created on any iPad from across the trust. It also enables certain actions to be carried out by a clinical manager.

  • I should have clinical manager access, but I only have clinician access.

Please request this access through the link to HALO, under the EPCR access section. East of England Ambulance Trust Self Service Portal (haloitsm.com)

  • What do I need this access for?

Clinicians will be able to use portfolio copies of EPCR’s with the identifiable information removed to aid CPD.

Managers can use this access to help with the datix’s and statement writing requests. There are also other additional helpful functions and features that can be used.

Published 25th May 2023


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