Disability History Month 2022

EEAST Disability Support Network logo

We are celebrating Disability History Month, in collaboration with our Disability Support Network.

This year, Disability History Month runs from 16th November until 16th December, and will focus on the theme of disability, health, and wellbeing.

Throughout the month, we will be raising awareness of four different conditions that you may not know are classed as disabilities: epilepsy, certain mental health conditions, cancer, and long COVID, here on Need to Know and on our social media channels – Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

We will be focusing on what the condition is, the symptoms to look out for and how you can help someone who is living with that debilitating illness.

The month will also see us looking at the history, the present, and what the future looks like for those living with the conditions.

If you would like to show your support, you can use this Microsoft Teams background that has been produced for the month, you can also find out more from the Disability History Month website.

The Disability Support Network is open to all staff, not only for our staff with disabilities whether visible or invisible, but for anyone who supports someone with a disability, be it a colleague, family member or friend. 

If you would like to join the network or find out more information, please feel free to contact the group on DisabilitySupportNetwork@eastamb.nhs.uk.

Published 16th November 2022

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/disability-history-month-2022.htm?pr=