Do you know who is responsible for business continuity at EEAST?

Business Continuity Awareness Week 2022

Business continuity is not just one persons’ responsibility, everyone has a part to play in ensuring we are well prepared to continue delivering our services no matter what.

EEAST has a clear structure in place to manage Business Continuity across all parts of the organisation.

My role, as the Business Continuity and EPRR Compliance Manager is to identify the parts of the organisation which we cannot afford to lose – such as our call handling capability or our IM&T functions. I am then responsible for planning on how to maintain these if an incident occurs.

However, I cannot achieve this on my own so we have Business Continuity Leads in each department, some departments have more than one, who provide the knowledge and expertise so that plans can be developed which are fit for purpose and as robust as possible.

Overseeing the development of plans is the Trust Business Continuity Steering and Assurance Group. The group is responsible for setting the strategy, assuring the Board that the plans we have are suitable and effective and also to lead the recovery of the organisation following a business continuity incident.

If you would like to know more about the Business Continuity Strategy you can find a copy here.

Darya Wotherspoon - Business Continuity and EPRR Compliance Manager

Published 17th May 2022

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