Dorothy Hosein steps down as Chief Executive of EEAST

Transparent EEAST crest

Dear colleague 

I write today to share the news that Dorothy Hosein has stepped down as chief executive, following a period of ill health.  

Dorothy has written a message for staff colleagues, which you can read in full here. 

On behalf of the Board of EEAST, I would like to thank Dorothy for her leadership which enabled the Trust to deliver significant improvements during her time as chief executive.  

I am sure everyone will join me in sending Dorothy our warm wishes for the future.  

We appreciate that changes in leadership can be unsettling. The process to recruit a new permanent chief executive for the Trust is expected to start at the end of this month, with the appointment of a successful candidate expected in April 2021. In the meantime, Dr Tom Davis, our medical director and deputy chief executive, will continue as interim chief executive.  

Nicola Scrivings
Chair of East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Published 20th January 2021

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